
Karaoke for Manowar - Achilles Agony And Ecstasy In Eight Parts

Manowar - Achilles Agony And Ecstasy In Eight Parts (28:38)
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Manowar - Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors (05:29)
Manowar - I Believe (04:06)
Manowar - King (06:25)
Manowar - King Of Kings (04:13)
Manowar - Kingdom Come (03:56)
Manowar - Kings Of Metal (03:45)
Manowar - Kings Of Metal (03:44)
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Manowar - Metal Daze (04:20)
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Manowar - The Gods Made Heavy Metal (06:04)
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Manowar - The Warriors Prayer (04:19)
Manowar - Violence and bloodshed (03:59)
Manowar - Warriors of the World (05:55)
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Manowar - Warriors Of The World United (05:56)
Manowar - Warriors Of The World United (05:51)
Manowar - Warriors Of The World United (05:56)
Manowar - Wheels of Fire (04:10)

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